I thought it was about time we did an update of how things are going here on the Solway. It has been a busy year so far for us, here is a quick review of our events:
Hedgelaying - we had a great bunch of enthusiastic people to learn this skill at Wedholme Flow at the beginning of the year. The hedge is just beside the car park and I am told it is looking really good now, so if you are down that way why don't you pop along and explore wonderful Wedholme!
Charcoal Making - okay, this was not our most successful event but was good fun nevertheless, it was rather damp and we did not get any charcoal! However, we followed up with a great haul later on in the year!!!
Landscape Photography - we hold a number of these throughout the year and all have proved to be well attended. Steve Blake runs these sessions for us and can help any level of photographer with tips and tricks to get the best out of your camera (or phone in my case).
Marsh Fritillary Conservation Day - these beautiful little butterflies were once extinct on the Solway and part of our project is to help with the reintroduction. We have held a number of events over the project and its a great way for you to learn a bit more about the butterflies and do your bit in the work to conserve them.
Wetland Discovery Day - another wet day for the Solway Wetlands Team, but a chance to show off the fantastic new Wetland area at the Campfield Marsh RSPB reserve. you can pop down here anytime and do a bit of pond dipping or have a stroll round the site.
Marsh Fritillary Training Day - another chance to get out and see how we are helping to conserve these beautiful butterflies with Rhia our Wetlands Officer.
Natterjack Toad Walk - again it was raining but this did not put off our intrepid Wetlands Officer and a hardy bunch for an evening walk. The natterjack is a protected species which is found on the Solway so this walk was a chance to learn more about them and what we are doing to protect their habitats.
Wildlife Taster Day: Bog Mosses - this was the second time we have run this session, we were surprised that so many people wanted to attend as it doesnt sound the most riviting of events although to those 'in the know' there is a wonderful world of bog mosses herer on teh Solway!
Bioblitz - this was a 24hr event recording the flora and fauna of the Solway. Lots of fun was had by those who worked hard over the 24hours and by those who visited to see what was going on and to get involved.
Wildlife Taster Day: Grasses and Sedges - this was a chance to spend a day learning about the grasses and sedges on the Campfield Marsh RSPB reserve with a bit of time in the classroom and a chance to explore the site.
Bats and Moths - Fniglandrigg Wood NNR was the location of this evening event listening for bats with a selection of bat detectors and seeing which moths we had managed to attract.
Wild Food Foraging - this was the first of two foraging events and was well attended. The smoke alarm may have been going off at the Solway Wetlands Centre but that didnt stop our foragers enjoying some of their finds cooked up by John Crouch.
Wildlife Taster Day: Dragonflies and Damselflies - a chance to get up close to some of the amazing dragonflies and damselflies we see on teh Solway with our expert sharing his knowledge of these amazing creatures.
Tale Trails - this event was to intruduce our new Tale Trail map of Finglandrigg Wood NNR, follow the adventure of Conan the Brave and see if you can spot him or any of his friends as you explore the woods!
Wetland Discovery Day - the team were on hand at Campfield Marsh for more activites in the new Wetland area and around the reserve.
Landscape Photography - a beautiful day for Steve Blake and a group of amatur photogrphers to explore the Solway at Campfield Marsh and get some fantastic pictures while learning how to improve their skills and see how different techniques can transform a photograph.
Woodland Weekender - a full weekend of fun at Finglandrigg Wood NNR, starting with a bat walk on Friday night, wild flower ID walks on saturday, crafts, willow weaving and not to forget the very successful charcaol making (this tmie!).
We have lots more events coming up too over the rest of the year so keep an eye on the website or follow us on Facebook and Twitter where you will be kept up to date with what we are all up to.
Bye for now!