From Monday 2 June to Friday 8 August, Grampus Heritage will be carrying out a 10 week excavation in the village of Abbeytown focussing on Holme Cultram Abbey. They will be looking at the site of the refectory and kitchen but also some other features of interest in the village. Call in for a chat to the archaeologists or get more involved and come and volunteer on the dig. The archaeology work will take place between 10am and 4pm Monday to Saturday but any help is appreciated, even if only a day or half day. For more information either contact the Solway Wetlands Team at info@solwaywetlands.org.uk or Grampus on 016973 21516 or enquiries@grampusheritage.co.uk.
An exciting programme of archaeology work runs throughout the Project, led by Grampus Heritage and Training Ltd. This is focused around finding out about the impact that the Cistercian monastery of Holme Cultram had on the surrounding Solway Plain. The archaeology team are always keen for volunteers to help them with their many projects finding out about Medieval farming, industry, the road system, place names, buildings, defence against the Scots, and generally how the monks influenced the development of the area. No previous experience is necessary!
Some of the activities that are being carried out include fieldwalking and recording sites, magnetometry surveys, excavation, post excavation work on finds, and background research using the internet and archive service. During year 1, excavations have taken place at Wolsty Castle, near Silloth, and St. Christian’s chapel near Abbeytown. Forthcoming tasks include survey work looking at the saltpans, searching for the old port at Skinburness, and excavations around the Abbey itself.
Everone is welcome - full training is given and as the work is so varied there is something for people of all abilities and ages. To register as a volunteer, contact Joanne Stamper by email at joanne@grampusheritage.co.uk or by phone on 0169 732 1516. Many of the volunteers are members of the West Cumbria Archaeological Society, which runs additional workshops and activities throughout the year. For information contact Jan Walker, at janwalker274@btinternet.com or 07803 081 917.